
Load the libraries with R:

## Warning: 程辑包'GGally'是用R版本4.3.3 来建造的
## Registered S3 method overwritten by 'GGally':
##   method from   
##   ggplot2
## Warning: 程辑包'olsrr'是用R版本4.3.3 来建造的
## 载入程辑包:'olsrr'
## The following object is masked from 'package:datasets':
##     rivers

Section example: Surface ozone and meteorological factors


Photo source

Ozone (O3) occurs both in the Earth’s upper atmosphere and at ground level. Ozone can be good or bad, depending on where it is found. Called stratospheric ozone, good ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere, where it forms a protective layer that shields us from the sun’s harmful ultraviolet rays. Ozone at ground level, however, is a harmful air pollutant, because of its effects on people and the environment, and it is the main ingredient in smog. Check ozone facts from EPA for more.

Ozone is produced when nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds react. Meteorological conditions also govern ozone levels. Here we use observations to examine the relationship between ozone and several meteorological factors, including solar radiation, wind speed, temperature, and surface pressure. The data set is available here.

Load the observations via:

# Read ozone and meteorological data
Ozone_data <- read.csv(file = "ozone_data.csv", header=T)

# Check the data
## 'data.frame':    111 obs. of  7 variables:
##  $ Solar.Rad  : int  190 118 149 313 299 99 19 256 290 274 ...
##  $ Wind.Speed : num  7.4 8 12.6 11.5 8.6 13.8 20.1 9.7 9.2 10.9 ...
##  $ Temperature: int  67 72 74 62 65 59 61 69 66 68 ...
##  $ Pressure   : num  1004 995 999 997 996 ...
##  $ Ozone      : int  41 36 12 18 23 19 8 16 11 14 ...
##  $ Month      : int  5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 ...
##  $ Day        : int  1 2 3 4 7 8 9 12 13 14 ...

Multiple linear regression basics

The model

You can consider the multiple linear regression as an extended simple linear regression. But now, we have more than one independent variables (X1,X2, …, Xk) and one dependent variable (Y). The multiple linear regression model goes as follow:

\[Y= \beta_0 + \beta_1 X_1 + \beta_2 X_2 + ... + \beta_k X_k + \epsilon \] Here the coefficient (e.g., \(\beta_k\)) is interpreted as the estimated mean change in the dependent variable Y corresponding to one unit change in the independent variable (i.e., \(X_k\)), when all other variables remain the same.

The assumptions are the same as those of simple linear regression - existence, independence of Y, linearity, homoscedasticity, and normality of residuals. In fact, the complexity of multiple linear regression is not from the model fitting, but rather from the selection of independent variables. The ideal is to have enough (not more) independent variables to be correlated with the dependent variable, but not with each other.


Since we are dealing with more than one independent variables in multiple linear regression, it is very likely that one independent variable correlates with another variable. For example, you will find temperature correlates significantly (r=-0.46) with wind speed in the section example.

# Plot scatter plots


Multicollinearity in a multiple regression model indicates that collinear independent variables are related in some fashion. In other words, multicollinearity can exist when two independent variables are highly correlated. It can also happen if an independent variable is computed from other variables in the data set or if two independent variables provide similar and repetitive results (called redundant variable).


Overfitting means the model contains more parameters than can be justified by the data. In this case, your model begins to describe the random error in the data rather than the relationships between variables. For example, pressure is not significantly correlated with ozone in the section example. This means pressure may bring not much new additional information (called irrelevant variable). Overfitting can produce misleading R2, regression coefficients, and p-values.

Variable selection

Variable selection in multiple regression is the hardest part of model building. The purpose of variable selection to identify the best subset of predictors among many variables to include in a model. The issue is how to find the necessary variables among the complete set of variables by deleting both irrelevant variables (variables not affecting the dependent variable), and redundant variables (variables not adding anything to the dependent variable). Many variable selection methods exist. Each provides a solution to one of the most important problems in statistics. Check Variable Selection in Multiple Regression and Ch. 12 (Strategies for variable Selection) of [RS] for more.

The general theme of the variable selection is to examine certain subsets and select the best subset, which either maximizes or minimizes an appropriate criterion. More specifically, a model selection method usually should include the following three components:

  • Select a test statistic

  • Select a criterion for the selected test statistic

  • Make a decision on removing/keeping a variable

Statistic for variable selection


If a predictor is significant, it can be included in a regression model.

R2 or adjusted R2

If a predictor can contribute significantly to the overall R2 or adjusted R2, it should be considered to be included in the model.

Mallows’ Cp

This one is widely used in variable selection.

\[C_p = \frac {SSE_p} {MSE_k} - n + 2(p+1) \] where SSEp is the sum of squared errors for the model with p independent variables and MSEk is the mean squared residuals for the model with all k independent variables, n is sample size. We look for a subset of variables with \(C_p \le p+1\), where p is the number of independent variables. If Cp is much bigger than p+1, this indicates a bad fit.


Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) measures a trade-off between the goodness of model fit (SSE) and model complexity (p). With more independent variables in a regression model, SSE typically would become smaller or at least the same, and therefore the first part of AIC becomes smaller. However, with independent variables, the model would become more complex, and therefore the second part of AIC becomes bigger.

\[AIC = n \mathrm {ln}(\frac {SSE} {n}) + 2p\]


Bayesian information criteria (BIC) is a variant of AIC with a stronger penalty for including additional variables in the model. The lower the BIC, the better the model.

\[BIC = n \mathrm {ln}(\frac {SSE} {n}) + p \mathrm {ln}(n)\]

Occam’s razor

If all the above statistics are close, and it’s hard to choose from two models, use the one with fewer independent variables.

All possible subsets approach

The basic idea of the all possible subsets approach is to run every possible combination of independent variables to find the best subset to meet some pre-defined objective criteria. In R, you can use the ols_step_all_possible function from olsrr package to test all possible subsets of the set of potential independent variables.

# Fit the full model, where all independent variables are included 
full_model  <- lm(Ozone ~ Solar.Rad + Wind.Speed + Temperature + Pressure, data = Ozone_data)

# Test all possible subsets
output      <- ols_step_all_possible(full_model)

# Print results from all possible subsets
##    Index N                                Predictors   R-Square Adj. R-Square Mallow's Cp
## 3      1 1                               Temperature 0.48796010   0.483262487  0.47265244
## 2      2 1                                Wind.Speed 0.37515206   0.369419506  0.34538506
## 1      3 1                                 Solar.Rad 0.12134194   0.113280852  0.09466873
## 4      4 1                                  Pressure 0.01386988   0.004822813 -0.02855280
## 8      5 2                    Wind.Speed Temperature 0.58137796   0.573625704  0.55266125
## 6      6 2                     Solar.Rad Temperature 0.51031674   0.501248530  0.48921976
## 10     7 2                      Temperature Pressure 0.50295658   0.493752075  0.47379229
## 5      8 2                      Solar.Rad Wind.Speed 0.44949359   0.439299032  0.41460819
## 9      9 2                       Wind.Speed Pressure 0.37516124   0.363590154  0.32877850
## 7     10 2                        Solar.Rad Pressure 0.13531809   0.119305459  0.08749387
## 11    11 3          Solar.Rad Wind.Speed Temperature 0.60589460   0.594844916  0.57275819
## 14    12 3           Wind.Speed Temperature Pressure 0.58421695   0.572559484  0.54099944
## 13    13 3            Solar.Rad Temperature Pressure 0.52528716   0.511977451  0.49089734
## 12    14 3             Solar.Rad Wind.Speed Pressure 0.44951263   0.434078406  0.39956084
## 15    15 4 Solar.Rad Wind.Speed Temperature Pressure 0.60863144   0.593862815  0.56171795
# Plot results from all possible subsets

All best subsets approach

This approach selects the best-fitted model as a certain number of variables are included. We can then select the overall best model by comparing the statistics among those models.

In R, you can print the best fitted models with the ols_step_best_subset() function:

##                 Best Subsets Regression                 
## --------------------------------------------------------
## Model Index    Predictors
## --------------------------------------------------------
##      1         Temperature                               
##      2         Wind.Speed Temperature                    
##      3         Solar.Rad Wind.Speed Temperature          
##      4         Solar.Rad Wind.Speed Temperature Pressure 
## --------------------------------------------------------
##                                                        Subsets Regression Summary                                                       
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##                        Adj.        Pred                                                                                                  
## Model    R-Square    R-Square    R-Square     C(p)         AIC         SBIC         SBC          MSEP         FPE        HSP       APC  
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##   1        0.4880      0.4833      0.4727    31.6832    1023.7751    707.8926    1031.9037    63511.9852    582.4878    5.2979    0.5308 
##   2        0.5814      0.5736      0.5527     8.3815    1003.4160    688.2847    1014.2541    52409.9744    484.8800    4.4123    0.4419 
##   3        0.6059      0.5948      0.5728     3.7413     998.7171    684.0287    1012.2648    49806.0569    464.7908    4.2323    0.4236 
##   4        0.6086      0.5939      0.5617     5.0000     999.9436    685.4065    1016.2008    49931.2312    469.9690    4.2830    0.4283 
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
##  SBIC: Sawa's Bayesian Information Criteria 
##  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
##  MSEP: Estimated error of prediction, assuming multivariate normality 
##  FPE: Final Prediction Error 
##  HSP: Hocking's Sp 
##  APC: Amemiya Prediction Criteria

In this case, we will choose model #3 as it has the highest adjusted R2, lowest AIC, and a \(C_p \le 3+1\).

Auto selection

Backward elimination

Backward elimination begins with a model which includes all candidate variables (so-called full model). Variables are then deleted from the model one by one until all the variables remaining in the model are significant and exceed certain criteria. At each step, the variable showing the smallest improvement to the model is deleted. Once a variable is deleted, it cannot come back to the model.

Backward elimination works well if you have a modest-sized set of potential variables from which you wish to eliminate a few – i.e. if you’re fine-tuning some prior selection of variables–you should generally go backward.

In R, this is done with the ols_step_backward_aic() function:

ols_step_backward_aic(full_model, details=F)
##                               Stepwise Summary                              
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Step    Variable        AIC        SBC        SBIC        R2       Adj. R2 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  0      Full Model    999.944    1016.201    685.406    0.60863    0.59386 
##  1      Pressure      998.717    1012.265    684.009    0.60589    0.59484 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Final Model Output 
## ------------------
##                           Model Summary                           
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## R                        0.778       RMSE                 20.796 
## R-Squared                0.606       MSE                 448.624 
## Adj. R-Squared           0.595       Coef. Var            50.312 
## Pred R-Squared           0.573       AIC                 998.717 
## MAE                     15.468       SBC                1012.265 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##  RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
##  MSE: Mean Square Error 
##  MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
##  AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
##  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
##                                  ANOVA                                  
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
##                   Sum of                                               
##                  Squares         DF    Mean Square      F         Sig. 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Regression     73799.119          3      24599.706    54.834    0.0000 
## Residual       48002.790        107        448.624                     
## Total         121801.910        110                                    
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
##                                     Parameter Estimates                                      
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##       model       Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig        lower      upper 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## (Intercept)    -64.342        23.055                 -2.791    0.006    -110.045    -18.639 
##   Solar.Rad      0.060         0.023        0.164     2.580    0.011       0.014      0.106 
##  Wind.Speed     -3.334         0.654       -0.356    -5.094    0.000      -4.631     -2.036 
## Temperature      1.652         0.254        0.473     6.516    0.000       1.149      2.155 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here we remove the pressure variable from the full model.

Forward selection

Forward selection begins with a model which includes no predictors (the intercept-only model, so-called null model). Variables are then added to the model one by one until no remaining variables improve the model by a certain criterion. At each step, the variable showing the biggest improvement to the model is added. Once a variable is in the model, it remains there.

Forward selection works well if you have a very large set of candidate predictors from which you wish to extract a few.

In R, this is done with the ols_step_forward_aic() function:

ols_step_forward_aic(full_model, details=F)
##                                Stepwise Summary                               
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Step    Variable         AIC         SBC        SBIC        R2       Adj. R2 
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  0      Base Model     1096.073    1101.492    779.192    0.00000    0.00000 
##  1      Temperature    1023.775    1031.904    707.893    0.48796    0.48326 
##  2      Wind.Speed     1003.416    1014.254    688.285    0.58138    0.57363 
##  3      Solar.Rad       998.717    1012.265    684.029    0.60589    0.59484 
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Final Model Output 
## ------------------
##                           Model Summary                           
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## R                        0.778       RMSE                 20.796 
## R-Squared                0.606       MSE                 448.624 
## Adj. R-Squared           0.595       Coef. Var            50.312 
## Pred R-Squared           0.573       AIC                 998.717 
## MAE                     15.468       SBC                1012.265 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##  RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
##  MSE: Mean Square Error 
##  MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
##  AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
##  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
##                                  ANOVA                                  
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
##                   Sum of                                               
##                  Squares         DF    Mean Square      F         Sig. 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Regression     73799.119          3      24599.706    54.834    0.0000 
## Residual       48002.790        107        448.624                     
## Total         121801.910        110                                    
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
##                                     Parameter Estimates                                      
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##       model       Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig        lower      upper 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## (Intercept)    -64.342        23.055                 -2.791    0.006    -110.045    -18.639 
## Temperature      1.652         0.254        0.473     6.516    0.000       1.149      2.155 
##  Wind.Speed     -3.334         0.654       -0.356    -5.094    0.000      -4.631     -2.036 
##   Solar.Rad      0.060         0.023        0.164     2.580    0.011       0.014      0.106 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Here we include temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation one by one, each at a step.

Stepwise regression

Stepwise regression is a combination of both backward elimination and forward selection methods. The stepwise method is a modification of the forward selection approach and differs in that variables already in the model do not necessarily stay. As in forward selection, stepwise regression adds one variable to the model at a time. After a variable is added, however, stepwise regression checks all the variables already included again to see whether there is a need to delete any variable that does not provide an improvement to the model based on a certain criterion.

In R, this is done with the ols_step_both_aic() function:

ols_step_both_aic(full_model, details=F)
##                                  Stepwise Summary                                 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Step    Variable             AIC         SBC        SBIC        R2       Adj. R2 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##  0      Base Model         1096.073    1101.492    779.192    0.00000    0.00000 
##  1      Temperature (+)    1023.775    1031.904    707.893    0.48796    0.48326 
##  2      Wind.Speed (+)     1003.416    1014.254    688.285    0.58138    0.57363 
##  3      Solar.Rad (+)       998.717    1012.265    684.029    0.60589    0.59484 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## Final Model Output 
## ------------------
##                           Model Summary                           
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## R                        0.778       RMSE                 20.796 
## R-Squared                0.606       MSE                 448.624 
## Adj. R-Squared           0.595       Coef. Var            50.312 
## Pred R-Squared           0.573       AIC                 998.717 
## MAE                     15.468       SBC                1012.265 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
##  RMSE: Root Mean Square Error 
##  MSE: Mean Square Error 
##  MAE: Mean Absolute Error 
##  AIC: Akaike Information Criteria 
##  SBC: Schwarz Bayesian Criteria 
##                                  ANOVA                                  
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
##                   Sum of                                               
##                  Squares         DF    Mean Square      F         Sig. 
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Regression     73799.119          3      24599.706    54.834    0.0000 
## Residual       48002.790        107        448.624                     
## Total         121801.910        110                                    
## -----------------------------------------------------------------------
##                                     Parameter Estimates                                      
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
##       model       Beta    Std. Error    Std. Beta      t        Sig        lower      upper 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
## (Intercept)    -64.342        23.055                 -2.791    0.006    -110.045    -18.639 
## Temperature      1.652         0.254        0.473     6.516    0.000       1.149      2.155 
##  Wind.Speed     -3.334         0.654       -0.356    -5.094    0.000      -4.631     -2.036 
##   Solar.Rad      0.060         0.023        0.164     2.580    0.011       0.014      0.106 
## --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The final model includes temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation.

Making predictions with the model

Once the best model is selected, we can use it to predict mean and individual response. Here the R functions are the same as we saw in the simple linear regression.

# Best model
reg <- lm(Ozone ~ Solar.Rad + Wind.Speed + Temperature , data = Ozone_data)
## Call:
## lm(formula = Ozone ~ Solar.Rad + Wind.Speed + Temperature, data = Ozone_data)
## Residuals:
##     Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
## -40.485 -14.219  -3.551  10.097  95.619 
## Coefficients:
##              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
## (Intercept) -64.34208   23.05472  -2.791  0.00623 ** 
## Solar.Rad     0.05982    0.02319   2.580  0.01124 *  
## Wind.Speed   -3.33359    0.65441  -5.094 1.52e-06 ***
## Temperature   1.65209    0.25353   6.516 2.42e-09 ***
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
## Residual standard error: 21.18 on 107 degrees of freedom
## Multiple R-squared:  0.6059, Adjusted R-squared:  0.5948 
## F-statistic: 54.83 on 3 and 107 DF,  p-value: < 2.2e-16
# Make confidence band
predict(reg, interval="confidence", level=0.95)
# Make prediction band
predict(reg, interval="prediction", level=0.95)

Procedure of the multiple linear regression

1 Check data

  • Statistical test: independence of Y and possible outliers

  • Visual checking: high correlation between dependent variable and independent variable, low correlation among independent variables. The goal is to remove irrelevant and redundant variables.

2 Write down H0 and H1

For multiple linear regression, H0 could be different depending your questions. For example, if the goal is to determine whether there is a linear relationship, H0 is then:

\[\beta_1 = \beta_2 = ... = \beta_k = 0\] Here we test the overall model. If the goal is to test a specific slope, H0 would be:

\[\beta_i = 0\]

Here we test the change with and without such specific slope.

3 Find the best model

The rule is to find a model with higher adjusted R2, lower AIC, and a \(C_p \le p+1\) (p being the number of independent variables included in the model).

4 Check residuals

par(mfrow = c(2, 2))

par(mfrow = c(1, 1))

Here in the residuals vs. fitted plot, we see a roughly horizontal line is expected (linearity checked). In the Scale-location plot, we also see a roughly horizontal line (homoscedasticity checked). Finally, the residuals are following a normal distribution by examining the normal Q-Q plot (normality checked).

5 Report the results

  • A brief description of the variables you used

  • Report the slope, intercept, R2, and adjusted R2

  • Report predictions if necessary

In-class exercises

Exercise #1

In this exercise, we will learn the concept of cross-validation and how to use it to test the model. The goal of cross-validation is to test the model’s ability to predict new data that was not used in estimating it, in order to flag problems like overfitting or selection bias and to give an insight on how the model will generalize to an independent dataset (i.e., an unknown dataset, for instance from a real problem).

One round of cross-validation involves partitioning a sample of data into complementary subsets, performing the analysis on one subset (called the training set), and validating the analysis on the other subset (called the validation set). To reduce variability, in most methods, multiple rounds of cross-validation are performed using different partitions, and the validation results are combined (e.g., averaged) over the rounds to give an estimate of the model’s predictive performance.

We will use the CPU performance data from the MASS package.

1.1 Load the data cpus in the MASS package by:


1.2 Use 85% of the data points to form a training set, and the rest data points as the validation set

fraction        <- 0.85
sample_index    <- sample(nrow(cpus),nrow(cpus)*fraction)
cpus_training   <- cpus[sample_index,]
cpus_validation <- cpus[-sample_index,]

1.3 Use the ggpairs() function to check the linear relationship between dependent variable perf and each independent variable (syct, mmin, mmax, cach, chmin, chmax) in cpus_training.

1.4 Fit a regression model between dependent variable perf and all independent variables (syct, mmin, mmax, cach, chmin, chmax). What is the adjusted R2? Which independent variable(s) has an insignificant slope?

1.5 Use the all possible subsets approach to find the best model. Please justify your selection.

1.6 Use the all best subsets approach to find the best model. Please justify your selection.

1.7 Use backward elimination approach to find the best model.

1.8 Use forward selection approach to find the best model.

1.9 Use stepwise regression approach to find the best model.

1.10 Give your best linear model based on results from step 5-9.

1.11 Apply the best linear model model_from step 10 to cpus_validation subset, get the individual prediction of CPU performance (perf) using the predict() function. Compare predicted CPU performance with actual values in cpus_validation in terms of Pearson correlation coefficient and relative mean bias.

1.12 Use the linear model model_from step 10, repeat step 2 and 11 for 50 times. Each time, you will end up with different cpus_training, cpus_validation, Pearson correlation coefficient, and relative mean bias. Report the mean Pearson correlation coefficient and mean relative mean bias. Based on the cross-validation result, is the model a reliable one?