1. Install Anaconda

We will use a distribution of Python called Anaconda, which includes a range of useful packages for scientific coding, such as matplotlib, numpy, and pandas. It all comes with the conda package manager - a tool for easily installing other Python add-on packages that you may want to use. It also comes with a few useful programs which can be used to write Python code.

Download Anaconda(~ 900 MB). Make sure to install a Python 3.x version specific to your operating system.

2. python via Spyder

1. Once you installed Anaconda, open Spyder.

2. In the Console window, type:

print("Hello World!")

A Hello World! output message will show up.

3. Now use python as a calculator. In the Console window, type the following lines one by one:


4. Now type the following line in the Console window:


What is your result? Can you explain why?

3. Install GitKraken

We use GitKraken (~ 290 MB) as the Git client. There are also many other third-party GUI tools, such as GitHub Desktop, SourceTree, etc. Make sure to install GitKraken software specific to your operating system.

4. GitHub account

We use GitHub as the repository version control platform. Follow this page for Github account setup and configuration. Other software/platform, like gitlab or bitbucket, will not be covered in the class.