1. Merge branches with GitKraken

In this exercise, we will learn how to create a branch, modify it, and merge it to the main with GitKraken.

1. Create a local repository named Lab2_Exercise with GitKraken.

2. Modify the README file by adding one sentence, stage and then commit the change.

3. Add one text file named temperature.txt, stage and then commit the change.

4. Modify temperature.txt by adding the following line: The air temperature is 29 degrees today. Stage and then commit the change.

5. Right-click the graph node of the latest commit (green circle on the middle panel), select Create branch here, then enter the branch name branch1.

6. When you create a new branch, GitKraken will automatically switch to the branch. You can always check which branch you are at by looking at the branch drop-down menu at the top left corner—something like main or branch1 (you just create it!). You can switch between different branches simply by selecting the one you want to work on. Such an action is called checkout in Git. For now, let’s stay on branch1.

7. Add one text file named aqi.txt, stage and then commit the change.

8. Modify aqi.txt by adding the following line: The air quality index is 53 today. Stage and then commit the change.

9. Modify the README file by adding the following line: I made this change on branch1, stage and then commit the change.

10. By far, we have added one file (aqi.txt) and modified one file (README), we think it’s good enough to go and we want to incorporate those changes in the main branch. This step is called merge in Git. Now switch to main by selecting it from the branch drop-down menu at the top left corner. You will see branch1 is 3 commits ahead of main, this is because we only worked on branch1 but not main. Right-click branch1 tab on the middle panel, select Merge branch1 into main. At this time, we have successfully merged the changes made on branch1 into main.

11. Modify the README file again by adding the following line: I made this change on main, stage and then commit the change.

12. Right-click the graph node of the latest commit (green circle on the middle panel), select Create branch here, then enter the branch name branch2. You may find that GitKraken automatically switches to the branch2.

13. Modify temperature.txt, change the line to: The air temperature is 32 degrees today. Stage and then commit the change.

14. Now switch back to main by selecting it from the branch drop-down menu at the top left corner. Open the temperature.txt file in your local repo, what is the temperature read from your file? 32 or 29? Can you explain why?

15. Modify temperature.txt, change the line to: The air temperature is 35 degrees today. Stage and then commit the change.

16. So far, we modified the same line in temperature.txt differently on two branches (35 on main while 32 on branch2). As you can imagine, when we merge two differently modified files, a conflict will arise. Right-click branch2 tab on the middle panel, select Merge branch2 into main, GitKraken will pop out an error message A file conflict was found when attempting to merge into main.

17. Click temperature.txt on the Conflicted Files, choose The air temperature is 32 degree today as the output, then save, and click Commit and Merge. By doing so, we have successfully resolved the conflicts.

2. Merge branches with Github

In this exercise, we will learn how to create a branch, modify it, and merge it to the main on GitHub.

1. Go through Understanding the GitHub flow.

2. Open GitKraken, push Lab2_Exercise to GitHub. Click 1 branche next to the main drop-down menu for a quick overview of the branche.

3. Now follow GitHub guide step 2 to create a new branch branch3.

4. Follow step 3 to modify README by adding the following line: I made this change on branch3 via GitHub, commit the change.

5. Follow step 4 to open a Pull Request.

6. Follow step 5 to merge your Pull Request.

7. Open GitKraken and pull Lab2_Exercise from GitHub. Check the flow.

8. Finally, go back to Lab2_Exercise on GitHub, click Settings, then scroll down to the bottom, click Delete this repository.