1. Creating a Python environment

1.1 Create a conda environment called test with Python 3.6 installed.

1.2 Install a module under the test environment.

1.3 Export test environment configuration to an environment file, and share it with your deskmate.

1.4 Create a new conda environment called test_mate using your deskmate’s environment file.

1.5 Activate the test_mate environment, and verify it contains the module your deskmate specified in his/her environment file.

1.6 Deactivate both test and test_mate environments.

1.7 Remove both test and test_mate environments, along with modules installed.

2. TaiYi logging

2.1 Following the instructions, install the SSH client tool based on your OS.

2.2 Log in to the TaiYi HPC supercomputer at: USERNAME@