1. More Linux Commands

In this exercise, we will learn a few more Linux commands. For each command, please use man to learn what it does and how to use it correctly. First, change your directory to ~.

1.1 Make a link called data_demo_link to data_demo folder using ln.

1.2 Print your home directory using echo.

1.3 Go to data_demo/molecules/, make an empty file test.pdb with touch.

1.4 Find how many files in data_demo/data/elements/ using find.

1.5 Compare data_demo/data/pdb/ethane.pdb and data_demo/data/pdb/ethanol.pdb with diff.

1.6 Count how many But she string appears in data_demo/writing/data/LittleWomen.txt with grep.

1.7 Check the total file size of the data_demo/data/ folder using du.

1.8 Copy the data_demo/writing/ folder to data_demo/writing_new/, compress data_demo/writing_new/ using zip, and decompress the .zip file with unzip.

1.9 Change the file permissions flags on writing_new to drwxr-x--- using chmod.

1.10 Print the last 10 commands you made using history.