Xarray (formerly xray) is an open source project and Python package that makes working with labelled multi-dimensional arrays simple, efficient, and fun!” - Xarray document.


In Anaconda Powershell, install netCDF4, xarray, and nc-time-axis, one after another:

pip install netCDF4
pip install xarray
pip install nc-time-axis

To test whether your environment is set up properly, try the following imports:

import netCDF4
import xarray as xr

Introduction to xarray

In last section, we saw how pandas handled tabular datasets, by using “indexes” for each row and labels for each column. These features, together with pandas’ many useful routines for all kinds of data wrangling and analysis, have made pandas one of the most popular python packages in the world.

However, not all Earth science datasets easily fit into the “tabular” model (i.e. rows and columns) imposed by pandas. In particular, we often deal with multidimensional data. By multidimensional data (also often called N-dimensional), it means data with many independent dimensions or axes. For example, we might represent Earth’s surface temperature T as a three dimensional variable:

\[T(Lon, Lat, Time) \]

The point of xarray is to provide pandas-level convenience for working with this type of data. Specifically, xarray is for working with labeled, multi dimensional arrays.

  • Built on top of numpy and pandas

  • Brings the power of pandas to multidimensional arrays

  • Supports data of any dimensionality


Figure source

Xarray basics

Like we did for pandas in Section 06, here we will go over the basic capabilities of xarray. Please dig into the xarray documentation for more advanced usage.

xarray data structures

Xarray has two fundamental data structures:

  • a DataArray, which holds a single multi-dimensional variable and its coordinates

  • a Dataset, which holds multiple variables that potentially share the same coordinates

Check Data Structures for more.


A DataArray has four essential attributes:

  • values: a numpy.ndarray holding the array’s values

  • dims: dimension names for each axis (e.g., (‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’), (‘lon’, ‘lat’, ‘time’))

  • coords: a dict-like container of arrays (coordinates) that label each point (e.g., 1-dimensional arrays of numbers, datetime objects or strings)

  • attrs: an OrderedDict to hold arbitrary metadata (attributes)

Let’s start by constructing some DataArrays manually:

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline

A simple DataArray without dimensions or coordinates isn’t much use:

# Create a xr dataarray
da = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3, -1, 2])

You can add a dimension name to the DataArray:

# Add a dimension name
da = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3, -1, 2], dims=['x'])

But things get most interesting when you add a coordinate:

# Add a coordinate
da = xr.DataArray([1, 2, 3, -1, 2],
                  coords={'x': [10, 20, 30, 40, 50]})

You can use xarray built-in plotting:

# Simple plot with xr built-in plot function


A Dataset holds many DataArrays which potentially can share coordinates. In analogy to pandas:

pandas.Series : pandas.Dataframe :: xarray.DataArray : xarray.Dataset

Constructing Datasets manually is a bit more involved in terms of syntax. The Dataset takes three arguments:

  • data_vars should be a dictionary with each key as the name of the variable and each value as one of:

    • A DataArray or Variable
    • A tuple of the form (dims, data[, attrs]), which is converted into arguments for Variable
    • A pandas object, which is converted into a DataArray
    • A 1D array or list, which is interpreted as values for a one dimensional coordinate variable along the same dimension as it’s name
  • coords should be a dictionary of the same form as data_vars

  • attrs should be a dictionary

For the rest of Section, we will use an output file (CESM2_200001-201412.nc) from the Community Earth System Model (CESM) to show basics of xarray and how to handle Dataset files. The file contains global monthly near surface temperature from 2000 to 2014. Please download the file, and move it to your working directory.

Loading data from a netCDF file

In fact, Xarray’s interface is heavily inspired by the netCDF data model. And xarray’s Dataset is designed as an in-memory representation of a netCDF dataset.

First, let’s open the CESM netCDF file (CESM2_200001-201412.nc) using the xarray.open_dataset() function:

# Open a netCDF4 file
ds = xr.open_dataset("CESM2_200001-201412.nc", engine="netcdf4")

By default, xarray.open_dataset() function uses lazy loading, i.e. it just loads in the coordinate and attribute metadata and not the data that correspond to data variables themselves. The data variables are loaded only on actual values access (e.g. when performing some calculation, slicing, …) or with .load() method. The xarray.open_dataset() is also able to load files in other formats (e.g., grib, tiff, or zarr), check Reading and writing files for more.

Now take a look at the loaded dataset:

# Show dataset

To check the corresponding netCDF representation, we can use the .info() method:

# Show dataset info

Checking Datasets properties

The Datasets (ds) have the following key properties:

  • data_vars: an dictionary of DataArrays corresponding to data variables

  • dims: a dictionary mapping from dimension names to the fixed length of each dimension (e.g. {‘time’: 180, ‘lat’: 192, ‘lon’: 288, ‘nbnd’: 2} )

  • coords: a dictionary-like container of arrays (coordinates) that label each point (tick label) along our dimensions

  • attrs: a dictionary holding arbitrary metadata pertaining to the dataset

Check those one by one:

# Check data variables

# Check data dimension names

# Check data coordinates

# Check data attributes (metadata)

Checking DataArray properties

As we just covered, the DataArray is xarray’s implementation of a labeled, multi-dimensional array. It has several key properties:

  • data: an array (numpy.ndarray, dask.array, or sparse or cupy.array holding the array’s values).
  • dims: dimension names for each axis e.g. (lat, lon, time)
  • coords: a dictionary-like container of arrays (coordinates) that label each point (tick label) along our dimensions
  • attrs: a dictionary that holds arbitrary attributes/metadata (such as units).
  • name: an arbitrary name of the array

For example, you can use ds['tas'] to extract the tas (near surface temperature) variable (DataArray), and later check its properties one by one:

# Extract the tas variable (DataArray)

# The actual array data

# Datarray coordinates

# Dataarray attributes

# Dataarray name

Indexing and selecting data

Xarray supports two kinds of indexing:

  • Positional indexing via .isel(): provides primarily integer position based index (from 0 to length-1 of the axis/dimension)

  • Label indexing via .sel(): provides primarily label based index.

The good part of xarray is that, its indexing methods preserves the coordinate labels and associated metadata.

Check Indexing and selecting data for more.

Selection by position

The .isel() method is the primary access method for purely integer based indexing. The following are valid inputs:

  • An integer, e.g. lat=10

  • A list or array of integers, e.g, lon=[10, 20, 39]

  • A slice object (range) with integers, e.g. time=slice(2, 20)

# The original object, i.e. no selection

# Data at lat=100

# Data at lat=100 and the last two time steps 
ds.tas.isel(lat=100, time=[-2, -1])

# Data lat=100 and time ranging from index 10 and 20 
ds.tas.isel(lon=100, time=slice(10, 20))

Selection by label

The .sel() method is the primary access method for purely coordinate label based indexing. The following are valid inputs:

  • A single coordinate label, e.g. time='2013-01-15' or time='2013'

  • A list or array of coordinate labels, e.g. lon=['100','356.25']

  • A slice object with coordinate labels, e.g. time=slice("2021-01-01", "2021-03-01")

# Select data in 2013

# Select data on 2013-01-15

# Select data from a list

# Select data within a range
# Both the start and the stop are included
ds.tas.sel(time=slice("2013-01-01", "2014-12-31"))

Nearest-neighbor lookups

Now try:

ds.tas.sel(lat=39.5, lon=105.7)

Can you figure out why this did not work?

Be careful when working with floating coordinate labels. When we have integer, string, datetime-like values for coordinate labels, sel() works flawlessly. When we try to work with floating coordinate labels, things get a little tricky. As shown above, when our coordinate labels are not integers or strings or datetime-like but floating point numbers, .sel() may throw a KeyError: ds.tas.sel(lat=39.5, lon=105.7) fails because we are trying to use a conditional for an approximate value, i.e floating numbers are represented approximately inside the computer, and xarray is unable to locate this exact value. To address this issue, xarray supports method and tolerance keyword argument. The method parameter allows for enabling nearest neighbor (inexact) lookups by use of the methods pad, backfill, or nearest:

# Using the nearest method to find a nearby value
ds.tas.sel(lat=39.5, lon=105.7, method='nearest')

So the closest location in the data was at lat=39.11, lon=106.2.

See the xarray documentation for more on usage of method and tolerance parameters in .sel().

Another way to use the nearest neighbor lookup is via a objects. For example:

# Using the slice method to find a nearby value
ds.tas.sel(lat=slice(39, 39.5), lon=slice(106.1, 106.3))

Operators can be chained, so multiple operations can be used sequentially. For example, to select an area of interest and the first time index, and plot the data:

ds.tas.isel(time=0).sel(lon=slice(20, 160), lat=slice(-80, 25)).plot()

Basic plotting with .plot()

Xarray provides a .plot() method on DataArray and Dataset. This method is a wrapper around Matplotlib’s matplotlib.pyplot.plot(). xarray will automatically guess the type of plot based on the dimensionality of the data. By default .plot() creates:

  • a line plot for 1-D arrays using matplotlib.pyplot.plot()

  • a pcolormesh plot for 2-D arrays using matplotlib.pyplot.pcolormesh()

  • a histogram for everything else (more than 2 dimensions) using matplotlib.pyplot.hist()


# Histogram for all data

# Histogram for a subset of data
ds.tas.sel(time=slice("2010", "2011")).plot()

1D line plots

Let’s select one spatial location and plot a time series of the near surface temperature:

# Time series of the near surface temperature at Shenzhen
ds.tas.sel(lon=294.1, lat=22.5, method='nearest').plot(marker="o", size=6)

Lets say we want to compare plots of temperature at three different latitudes. We can use the hue keyword argument to do this.

# Time series of the near surface temperature at 3 latitudes at time stamp 50
ds.tas.isel(time=50).sel(lat=[-50, 0, 50], method="nearest").plot(
    x="lon", hue="lat", figsize=(8, 6))

2D plots

Operator chaining means it is possible to have multiple selection operators and add .plot() to the end to visualize the result.

# 2D map over lat (-80,25) and lon (20,160) at timestamp -10
ds.tas.isel(time=-10).sel(lon=slice(20, 160), 
                          lat=slice(-80, 25)).plot(robust=True, figsize=(8, 6))

The x- and y-axes are labeled with full names — “Latitude”, “Longitude” — along with units. The colorbar has a nice label, again with units. And the title tells us the timestamp of the data presented.

You can, of course, modify the color bar:

# Define keyword arguments that are passed to matptolib.pyplot.colorbar
colorbar_kwargs = {
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "label": "my clustom label",
    "pad": 0.1,

# Plot
ds.tas.sel(lon=294.1, method='nearest').plot(
    # coordinate to plot on the x-axis of the plot
    # set colorbar limits to 2nd and 98th percentile of data


Faceting is an effective way of visualizing variations of 3D data where 2D slices are visualized in a panel (subplot) and the third dimensions is varied between panels (subplots).

# Plot monthly mean near surface temperature in 2010 and 2011, one at a panel
ds.tas.sel(time=slice("2010", "2011")).plot(col="time", col_wrap=6, robust=True)

See the xarray documentation for more on “faceted” plots or subplots.


Here we will some basic computation enabled by xarray.

Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic operations with a single DataArray automatically vectorize (like numpy) over all array values. Let’s convert the air temperature from degree Kelvin to Celsius:

# Convert the air temperature from degree Kelvin to Celsius
ds.tas - 273.15

Or even square all values in tas (makes no sense, just for demonstration):

# Convert the air temperature from degree Kelvin to Celsius
ds.tas ** 2

Aggregation Methods

A very common step during data analysis is to summarize the data in question by computing aggregations like sum(), mean(), median(), min(), max(), in which reduced data provide insight into the nature of large dataset. Let’s explore some of these aggregation methods:

# Compute the mean of all locations and timesteps

Because we specified no dim argument the function was applied over all dimensions. It is possible to specify a dimension along which to compute an aggregation. For example, to calculate the mean in time for all locations specify the time dimension as the dimension along which the mean should be calculated:

# Calculate the mean in time for all locations
ds.tas.mean(dim='time').plot(size=7, robust=True);

Now try:

# Compute temporal min
# Compute spatial sum
ds.tas.sum(dim=['lat', 'lon'])
# compute temporal median
ds.tas.median(dim='time').plot(size=7, robust=True)

For more, check xarray computation.

GroupBy: split, apply, combine

Simple aggregations can give useful summary of our dataset, but often we would prefer to aggregate conditionally on some coordinate labels or groups. Xarray provides the so-called groupby operation which enables the split-apply-combine workflow on xarray DataArrays and Datasets. The split-apply-combine operation is illustrated in this figure.


Figure source

This makes clear what the groupby accomplishes:

  • The split step involves breaking up and grouping an xarray Dataset or DataArray depending on the value of the specified group key

  • The apply step involves computing some function, usually an aggregate, transformation, or filtering, within the individual groups

  • The combine step merges the results of these operations into an output xarray Dataset or DataArray

We are going to use groupby to remove the seasonal cycle (“climatology”) from our dataset:

# Near surface temperature at Shenzhen
ds.tas.sel(lon=294.1, lat=22.5, method='nearest').plot(marker="o", size=6)

First, let’s group data by month, i.e. all Januaries in one group, all Februaries in one group, etc…

# Group data by month

Here we are using the .dt DatetimeAccessor to extract specific components of dates/times in our time coordinate dimension. You can also try ds.time.dt.year and ds.time.dt.month, see what happens.

Xarray also offers a more concise syntax when the variable you’re grouping on is already present in the dataset. This is identical to ds.tas.groupby (ds.time.dt.month):

# Group data by month

Now that we have groups defined, it’s time to “apply” a calculation to the group. These calculations can either be:

  • aggregation: reduces the size of the group

  • transformation: preserves the group’s full size

At then end of the apply step, xarray will automatically combine the aggregated/transformed groups back into a single object.

Let’s calculate the climatology at every point in the dataset and plot the results:

# Calculate the climatology 
tas_clim = ds.tas.groupby('time.month').mean()

# Plot climatology at a specific point (Shenzhen)
tas_clim.sel(lon=294.1, lat=22.5, method='nearest').plot()

# Plot zonal mean climatology
tas_clim.mean(dim='lon').transpose().plot.contourf(levels=12, robust=True, cmap='turbo')

Now let’s combine the previous steps to compute climatology and use xarray’s groupby arithmetic to remove this climatology from our original data:

# Group data by month
group_data = ds.tas.groupby('time.month')

# Apply mean to grouped data, and then compute the anomaly 
tas_anom = group_data - group_data.mean(dim='time')

# Plot anomalies at a specific point (Shenzhen)
tas_anom.sel(lon=294.1, lat=22.5, method='nearest').plot()

# Plot global mean anomalies
tas_anom.mean(dim=['lat', 'lon']).plot()

For more, see GroupBy: split-apply-combine.

Masking Data

Using .where() method, elements of an xarray Dataset or xarray DataArray that satisfy a given condition or multiple conditions can be replaced/masked. Unlike .isel() and sel() that change the shape of the returned results, .where() preserves the shape of the original data. It does accomplishes this by returning values from the original DataArray or Dataset if the condition is True, and fills in missing values wherever the condition is False.

# Select data
sample = ds.tas.isel(time=-1)

# Sample data where temperature is less than 270
masked_sample = sample.where(sample < 270.0)

# Plot 2 panels
fig, axes = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(19, 6))
sample.plot(ax=axes[0], robust=True)
masked_sample.plot(ax=axes[1], robust=True)

.where() also allows providing multiple conditions. To do this, we need to make sure each conditional expression is enclosed in (). To combine conditions, we use the & operator and/or |. let’s use where to mask locations with temperature values less than 250 and greater than 300:

# More than one condition
sample.where((sample > 250) & (sample < 300)).plot(size=6, robust=True);

# More than one condition
sample.where((sample.lat < 5) & (sample.lat > -5) & (sample.lon > 190) & 
             (sample.lon < 240)).plot(size=6, robust=True)

For more, see Masking with where.

The notes are modified from the excellent Research Computing in Earth Sciences and xarray-tutorial freely available on the GitHub.

In-class exercises

Exercise #1

Go over the notes, make sure you understand the scripts.

Exercise #2

Compute the global mean temperature between 2005-01 and 2010-12.

Exercise #3

Plot the the seasonal cycle (“climatology”) in temperature near your hometown.

Exercise #4

Plot anomalies at your hometown, do you observe a trend?

Exercise #5

Plot monthly climatology in temperature in 12 panels.

Further reading