“In the good old days physicists repeated each other’s experiments, just to be sure. Today they stick to FORTRAN, so that they can share each other’s programs, bugs included.” - Edsger W. Dijkstra


Log in to Taiyi (, then in your home directory, type:

cp -r /work/ese-ouycc/fortran_demo2 .

Reading and writing data

Reading data from a file

To read or write data from a file, you need to first open the file using the open() command. When you are done, you use the close() command. For example, to read data from an existing file (test.dat):

Program FileReadTest

Implicit none

integer                            :: u, n, i
real(4), dimension(:), allocatable :: a, b

! File unit
u = 50

! Open the file
open(unit=u, file='test.dat', status='old')

! The first line of the file has the number of values for arrays a and b
read(u,*) n

! Allocate the arrays
allocate( a(n), b(n) )

! Read data line by line
do i = 1,n
  read(u, *) a(i), b(i)

! Close the file

! Display the values
do i = 1,n
  write(*,*) "Line ", i, " : ", a(i), b(i)

! Deallocate the arrays
deallocate( a, b )

End Program FileReadTest

The unit is an integer that tells Fortran where to read or write the data from. Here, you pick a number (50) and assign that as the file unit (u). status = 'old' tells Fortran that the file exists already. This is optional, but can be helpful since if the file doesn’t exist, Fortran will issue a helpful error message. For the read commands, here we are using the asterisk * to denote a free-format read, which means that Fortran will decide what the format is.

Writing data to a file

Suppose we have modified a and b, and want to save those values to a new file (new1.dat). This can be done using:

Program FileWriteTest

implicit none

integer                            :: u, n, i
real(4), dimension(:), allocatable :: a, b

! File unit
u = 50

! Open the file
open(unit=u, file='test.dat', status='old')

! The first line of the file has the number of values for arrays a and b
read(u,*) n

! Allocate the arrays
allocate( a(n), b(n) )

! Read data line by line
do i = 1,n
  read(u, *) a(i), b(i)

! Close the file

! Change the values
a = a * 2.0
b = b + 1

! Write the values to a new file
open(unit=u, file='new1.dat', status='replace')
write(u, *) a, b

! Deallocate the arrays
deallocate( a, b )

End Program FileWriteTest

As you may notice, the output file new1.dat has only one line. This is because write() is called once to write two vectors. Try the following code chuck to save the values, see what will happen:

! Write the values to a new file, line by line
open(unit=u, file='new2.dat')
do i = 1,n
  write(u, *) a(i), b(i)

Format specifiers

In all of our read and write examples above, we used the generic * for the format specifier. When writing, Fortran will write out the full precision of each floating-point number. For example, 18.9779778. You can use the format specifier to specify another format. In Fortran, they are often referred to as edit descriptors. Change the writing chuck to the following:

! Write the values to a new file, in a certain format
open(unit=u, file='new3.dat')
do i = 1,n
  write(u, '(f5.1,E10.3)') a(i), b(i)

Here f is for a floating-point format, E is for scientific notation. For a w.d format, wis the width (number of characters) and d is the number of decimal places. See this note for more about Fortran format.


Like Python, we can define functions in Fortran. This is done with the function keyword. Functions are useful when you need to do a complicated calculation that has only one result. Functions need to be either in a separate .f90 file or have to be listed outside the main program. For example:

program FunctionTest

implicit none

real(4) :: a, b, c, Get_the_larger

a = 2.0
b = 5.0

c = Get_the_larger(a,b)

write(*,*) 'c is: ', c

end program FunctionTest

! This is the external function
real(4) function Get_the_larger(x,y)

real(4) :: x, y
if(x > y) then
  Get_the_larger = x
  Get_the_larger = y

end function Get_the_larger


Use a subroutine to break your code up into various sections that are easier to read. Subroutines are like functions, but the I/O is all done as arguments after the subroutine name. You will also have to use call before a subroutine.

program SubRoutineTest

implicit none

real(4) :: a,b,c,d

a = 2.0
b = 5.0

! Call subroutineA
call subroutineA(a,b,c)  ! a and b are input, c is returned

! Call subroutineB
call subroutineB(a,b,c,d)  ! a,b and c are input, d is returned

write(*,*) 'c is: ', c
write(*,*) 'd is: ', d

end program SubRoutineTest

! This is a subroutine

subroutine subroutineA(a,b,c)

implicit none

real(4), intent(in)  :: a,b
real(4), intent(out) :: c

c = a*b

end subroutine subroutineA

! This is another subroutine
subroutine subroutineB(a,b,c,d)

implicit none

real(4), intent(in)  :: a,b,c
real(4), intent(out) :: d

real(4)              :: x

x = 10.0

d = a + b + x*c

end subroutine subroutineB


Modern Fortran best practices are to put all subroutines and functions into one or more module files.

In a module, you can define variables and all the actions that work on them. You can have public and private variables, subroutines, and functions. Your main program can then use the modules. Variables defined at the top of a module are available to be used in any of the contained subroutines (so they are globally available).

First, let’s define a module Constants.f90:

module Constants  

implicit none 

  real, parameter :: pi = 3.1415926536  
  real, parameter :: e = 2.7182818285 

  subroutine show_consts()          
    print*, "Pi = ", pi          
    print*,  "e = ", e     
    write(*,*) "This is from module Constants"
  end subroutine show_consts 
end module Constants

Then we can use this module in the main program (ModuleTest.f90) with use:

program ModuleTest   

use Constants      

implicit none     

real :: x, ePowerx, area, radius 

x = 2.0
radius = 7.0
ePowerx = e ** x
area = pi * radius**2     

! Call the subroutine from the constants module
call show_consts() 
print*, "e raised to the power of 2.0 = ", ePowerx
print*, "Area of a circle with radius 7.0 = ", area  
end program ModuleTest

To compile the module and program:

gfortran Constants.f90 ModuleTest.f90 -o ModuleTest.x

Note that in this command, the module appears before the main program (ModuleTest.f90) so that the functions are defined before they are referenced in the main program.

Using library files

When working on large projects, especially projects that are shared between a number of users, it is useful to create object files or libraries of object files that can be shared between programmers and users.

Suppose we have multiple source files, for example:


subroutine func1(x)
  real(4)    :: x
  print *, "This is from sub1, x:", x


subroutine func2(x)
  real(4)    :: x
  print *, "This is from sub2, x^2:", x**2


module Constants  

implicit none 

  real, parameter :: pi = 3.1415926536  
  real, parameter :: e = 2.7182818285 

  subroutine show_consts()          
    print*, "Pi = ", pi          
    print*,  "e = ", e     
    write(*,*) "This is from module Constants"
  end subroutine show_consts 
end module Constants

We want to call/use the above programs in the Main.f90 program:

program Main

use Constants

implicit none

real :: a


! Call func1 from the Sub1 subroutine
call func1(a)

! Call func2 from the Sub2 subroutine
call func2(a)

! Call show_consts from the Constants module
call show_consts()

end program Main

Completed subprograms can be compiled into object files that can be linked during the compilation of the whole program:

gfortran -c Sub1.f90
gfortran -c Sub2.f90
gfortran -c Constants.f90
gfortran Main.f90 Sub1.o Sub2.o Constants.o -o Main.x

Note that the -c option is lowercase, which means: compile to object (.o) only, do not link.

However, if many object files are to be linked, then it is convenient to place them in a library. Libraries can be created using the ar command (see man ar ). Object files can be placed in a library, for example, as follows:

ar rcvf libsubs.a Sub1.o Sub2.o
ar rcvf libconst.a Constants.o

Here we have created two libraries (libsubs.a and libconst.a):

  • libsubs.a contains two objects Sub1.o and Sub2.o

  • libconst.a contains Constants.o.

Note that the name of the library must begin with lib and end with .a.

More objects (say ANOTHER.o) can be added to the library with:

ar rcvf libsubs.a ANOTHER.o

The contents of a library can be listed with:

ar tv libsubs.a

Subroutines and functions in the library can be listed with:

nm libsubs.a

Objects (say NON_USEFUL.o) can be deleted from the library with:

ar dv libsubs.a NON_USEFUL.o

Once libraries have been created, it can be linked in a compilation as follows:

gfortran Main.f90 -o Main.x -L. -lsubs -lconst

The -L. option tells the linker that the libraries can be found in the current directory (indicated by .). lsubs is short for libsubs.a, and lconst is short for libconst.a.

If the libraries are not in the current directory, then you should give the path, for example:

gfortran Main.f90 -o Main.x -Llib/ -lsubs -lconst

Here we have copied libsubs.a and libconst.a to lib/ folder before the compilation.

Now copy libsubs.a in lib_sub/ and libconst.a in lib_const/, the main program can be compiled as:

gfortran Main.f90 -o Main.x -Llib_sub/ -lsubs -Llib_const/ -lconst


gfortran Main.f90 -o Main.x -Llib_sub/ -Llib_const/ -lsubs -lconst

You can also use absolute path of the libraries:

gfortran Main.f90 -o Main.x -L/work/ese-ouycc/fortran_demo2/lib_sub/ -lsubs -L/work/ese-ouycc/fortran_demo2/lib_const/ -lconst

The notes above are modified from the excellent online tutorial freely available on GitHub.

In-class exercises

Exercise #1

Write a Fortran program to write some numbers to a file that has 20 lines and 2 columns. The first column is in a format of f10.3, and the second column is in a format of f15.5.

Exercise #2

Write a subroutine TestLeapYear.f90 to determine whether a year is a leap year. Then call this subroutine from the main program (my.f90) to check whether 2023 is a leap year.

Exercise #3

Write a module GetDays.f90 to print the total number of days in a given year. Then use this module in my.f90 to print the total number of days for 2023.

Exercise #4

4.1. Build a library libleap.a which contains the TestLeapYear.o. Move it to a new folder.

4.2. Build another library libdays.a which contains the GetDays.o. Move it to a different folder as you did in 4.1.

4.3. Compile and run my.f90 using the two libraries.